Spider-man 2 #1 Gamerverse Review

This comic released at around the same time as the award winning video game of the same name. Swinging through the city in game is amazing and this ties in nicely with that.

We join Peter, Miles and MJ (and some bad guys) on this read.

What is the plot and premise?

We start with a hard hitting fight between two Spider-men and Tarantula. It takes place in front of Mary Jane who's podcast interview has gone south quickly. Mary Jane turns the table on the interviewer and live streams their cowardice to the Daily Bugle.

A trip to the electronics store gets their spidey sense's tingling along the walk to the store. Low and behold some car thieves that have hoods and magic.... or is the Tinkerer back...

The banter between Peter and Miles is sprinkled with light hearted jabs and bad puns, making it cringey at times and funny at others, it will depend on which way your sense of humour goes.

The comic ends with some wholesome morals about the importance of listening and spending time with the people you love.

How are the characters developed?

The characters are so well known there is little character development, we are joining them on a journey where the outcomes occur because of who they are, it does little to change them other than the final closing pages.

What is the quality of the artwork?

This is Spider-man, the artwork is extremely well done with the action sequences very detailed, while drawing you in. One scene has a barbecue and you can see the heat coming from it.

How is the writing and dialogue?

This story is an all ages story, as previously mentioned it doesn't really develop the characters and the jokes are hit and miss. The villains have weak names and a lot of prior knowledge is assumed for this comic. I believe given how well known Spider-man is and that this is a gamerverse tie in that it is not unreasonable of Christo Gage to have made these assuptions.

What is your overall impression and recommendation?

Its fun in parts and an easy read. I would recommend this to lovers of Spider-man but it is not a must read.

Spider-Man 2 #1
Spider-Man Comics
Marvel Comics
