Get up to 10% off your subscription order. 1 active subscription = 5% off, 3-4 acitve subscriptions = 7% discount, 5+ active subscriptions = 10% discount.
Pop Weasel Offers Free Monthly Shipping on Comic Pre-Orders and Subscriptions over $50. Get up to 10% off your subscription order. 1 active subscription = 5% off, 3-4 active subscriptions = 7.5% discount, 5+ active subscriptions = 10% discount.
Comic Subscriptions & Pre-Orders FAQ
What is it?
Our new Comic Subscription & Pre-Order system allows you to now see upcoming comics, manga and graphic novels months in advance. You can place a pre-order for individual volumes, or place a standing-subscription for your favourite series, to guarantee yourself getting each volume as they release.
How does it work?
Each month the system updates with the new comics that are up for order for the following month. This is what we call "Previews". This allows you to see the new comic series that are releasing, as well as any variant covers for these issues. "Subscribe to series" allows you to place a standing subscription to that series, so that you never miss an issue. Subscriptions are best used to collect the main cover (Cover A) of each issue. "Pre-Order" allows you to order a specific comic, without having to subscribe to the series. This is a great way to grab any variant covers you may be collecting, pick up a series tie-in, or to just to grab a comic with a cool looking cover! Subscriptions & Pre-Orders will be ordered in for you special and set aside for you. An invoice will then be sent to you to pay for your order, depending on your shipping preference (Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or Monthly Ship). We invoice our orders on every Wednesday in their respective cycles. Monthly Shipping orders will be invoiced on the first Wednesday of the month.
I want to get every issue in a comic series - how do I make sure I don't miss anything?
Some series release multiple issues a month, some only release one issue a month, and some release a new issue every 2 months! The best way to keep ontop of a series you don't want to miss any issues from, is to Subscribe - you won't need to worry about missing anything, as we will order in each issue for you specially and assign it to your account. If you get tired of a series, or want to change to a different series, you can manage your subscriptions under the 'My Subscriptions' tab above.
I want to grab a comic, but the FOC date has already been - what do I do?
FOC means Final Order Cut-Off, and this is the final date that we are able to place any orders for all comics. Once we are passed the FOC date for a comic, all orders are finalised and the printers begin printing the comics to then ship out. Comics normally only ever have a single-printing run, which means that once they release and sell out - that's it! This does mean that all orders for comics (both Subscriptions and Pre-Orders) must be placed prior to this date. Each comic does have their own FOC date to look out for. If you miss an issue, keep an eye out on the following "Previews" updates as some issues can have 2nd and 3rd printing runs.
The comic I had ordered has released, but I haven't got my copy yet?
Depending on what your shipping preference is set to (Weekly Ship, Bi-Weekly Ship, or Monthly Ship), this will determine when you will be invoiced for your order. We invoice our Subscriptions & Pre-Orders every Wednesday, and our Monthly Shipping orders are invoiced on the first Wednesday of the month. You can change your shipping preference at any time under the 'My Subscriptions' tab above, then 'Shipping Preferences'. Remember, each comic has it's own release schedule, so your shipping preference doesn't always guarantee you the same comics in each shipment!
What is a variant cover?
Variant covers are the exact same comic, just with different cover art! The story and contents are the exact same, so you won't have to worry about missing any key details if you wanted to pick a different cover for your comic. 'Cover A' is normally the main cover, with Covers B, C, D, and so on, being the variant covers. If you are wanting to get each issue in a series but would prefer the variant covers, it is best to Pre-Order these with each "Previews" update each month - so remember to check back in each month and Pre-Order the next issue so you don't miss out!
I can't see the series I want to subscribe to - what do I do?
The subscription service on our website updates each month with the new releases for the upcoming month - this means some series that have different release cycles (bi-weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly), may not always show up when you search for them as they have no new issue releasing that month. If you are having trouble subscribing to a series, or finding it, try checking again later in the month, or check again the following month once the system has updated with the newest releases. Keep in mind, each series does have its own order cut-off date for each issue, which can be viewed on the series page (where you subscribe or pre-order).
I could pre-order books before - what's different about this system?
All of the comics, manga and graphic novels ordered through this new system are imported directly from the US - meaning you get it FIRST! You can still place pre-orders through our normal website, however these items are released with the local Australia & New Zealand publishers, so you get it the same time as everyone else, and at our normal discounted prices!
Pre-orders were discounted before - why not now?
Because orders placed through our new system are imported directly from the US, these are often received into our store long before they are released in NZ, and often cost more to direct import! So we now offer you the choice - pre-order through the new system, and get your next issue before all of your friends! Or, pre-order at a discounted price and you and your friends can all enjoy the newest volume at the same time!
When will my order ship?
Our subscriptions are shipped every Thursday/Friday, so you have the option of choosing - you can have these shipped every week, every 2 weeks, or the first Thursday/Friday of every month! Your shipping preference can be set under the "My Subscriptions" tab.